
Monday, June 22, 2009

Why Should Independent Franchises Switch to Natural Food Dyes?

Independent franchises are looking for healthier ways to make their products. Starbucks has decided to remove artificial flavors, artificial colors and high fructose corn syrup from their products. Their campaign will boast "Real food. Simply Delicious." Competitors of Starbucks such as Dunkin Donuts and fast food chains such as McDonald's would be wise to revamp their products as well. In the following link, Dunkin Donuts Independent Franchise site has a link listed on the side bar about Starbucks revamping their products.
Dunkin Donuts Independent Franchise... -

I would speculate that more and more franchises will be rushing to make their products healthier and without artificial food dyes while gaining the competitor edge on the market. Consumers are looking for labels of "no artificial colors", "dye-free", "real food", "real fruit", "No added colors", "Colored with Natural Ingredients."

Artificial colors made of synthetic dyes, such as red dye 40, have been known to cause behavioral changes in children and adults. It is a toxic ingredient and believed to be a neurotoxin. It can cause hyperactivity in all children. It can increase symptoms of ADD, ADHD and can alter behavior in children who are sensitive to these dyes which includes, but is not limited to pervasive developmental disorders, spectrum disorders such as autism, and even mimic conduct disorder in some children. We need to remove these synthetic food dyes derived from petroleum and bring back real food.

If you are an independent franchise making a change to remove these synthetic dyes, I would love to list you on this growing blog viewed by people throughout every state in the United States and other countries. You could be among the first to change the way America eats.

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