
Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Food Can Still Be Colorful without Synthetic Food dyes and lakes like Red Dye 40

Excuse the mess around the table, but I was doing some cookin'! See, food can still be colorful without synthetic artificial food dyes like red dye 40, yellow dyes...etc.
I made the frosting with a Betty Crocker recipe and then made my own color using BADIA Ground Annato Achiote (found in the spice section of any grocery store.) The instructions for making the dye is actually on the back of the label! It says, "Heat one cup of vegetable oil with 1/2 a cup of Annato Seed. Strain oil (you can use a coffee filter) and use the colored oil in desired amount, to add color to your favorite dishes."
My son chose these colors.
You should check out Itty Bitty Bistro: Homemade Food Dyes ! She made some beautifully colored cupcakes and her family is also staying away from all artificial colors and has seen a remarkable difference! Spread the good news and please leave a comment if you would like me see what you have made with natural colors! I would love to post more colorful foods and spread the links!
6-17-2007 Updated -
This link is from a great blog that I follow: In the link below is a picture of a beautiful cake made without synthetic artificial dyes. Isn't it pretty????
pretty pink cake


  1. Thanks for the link to IBB! I had no idea Annato could be found in the spice section - I know it's a popular substitute for yellow dye, but I assumed it was not readily available to the public. Now if only I could find a good (and cheap!) blue! :-)

  2. You're welcome! Just returning the favor and it's a great link!
    I'll try to get back to you on the blue. My husband is the one who made our very first food dye! I think he might know how to make a blue too. :)


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