
Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Don't you think it's time the FDA corrects the information on its web site about the impact of artificial dyes on behavior?

The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) created an informative guide about food ingredients and colors. The following link can be used to access that information:

"CSPI's (Center for Science in the Public Interest) petition asks the FDA to require a warning label on foods with artificial dyes while it mulls CSPI's request to ban the dyes outright. CSPI also wants the FDA to correct the information it presents to parents on its web site about the impact of artificial food dyes on behavior. Joining CSPI's call are 19 prominent psychiatrists, toxicologists, and pediatricians who today co-signed letter urging members of Congress to hold hearings on artificial food dyes and behavior, and to fund an Institute of Medicine research project on the issue."

The FDA created that guide in 2004. It is time that they change that information so that people can be correctly informed about the possible changes in behavior that some children and adults can experience. It severely downplays the terrible side-effects that these dyes can have on a number of people - not just those individuals with ADD/ADHD, but theoretically it could worsen undesirable behavior in people with conditions such as mood disorders and autistic spectrum disorders. In my opinion, it is not worth the risk and these dyes should be banned.

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