
Foods without Red Dye 40

Products without Artificial Colors


  1. I have had the worst time over the past several years trying to figure out what I was breaking out in hives that hurt and would make my throat feel as if it were closing. Finally I started to think about Red Dye, and sure enough that seems to be exactly what is causing my problems. It became an almost every day thing where I would need to take some benedryl to rid myself of the hives.

    It seems as if the reaction gets worse each time so I have an EPI Pen. Does anyone else have the ability to have a small quantitiy of red 40 before my body reacts, but I am unwilling to try and determine what that amount is. I can't believe even bluberry yogurt has red 40 in it. Thank you for this site and it will help me around the grocery store now.

    1. I have the same problem! Every time i am even near red dye I start to get hives and it keeps getting worse. I'm only 13 years old and I go to the Office at school almost every day to take a pill but even that does not work sometimes.I hate it! I recently got an EPI Pen too, I have not needed to use it yet though, and I dont want to.

    2. I wonder how many more people have the same reaction that you both have described. I have received many testimonials about people getting hives and I hope that they are letting their voices be heard with the FDA as well.

    3. My 9 year old son has been getting hives since he was born and it took us until he was 2 before we figured out its red dye. I had no clue so maney thing had red dye 40 in it. And the schools are bad for it when he was in kindergarten he had an allergy sheet what not to give him and about 10 times that year they gave him stuff with red dye in it. Same thing in 1st grade. I make sure he was bringing his own snack or when there was a bday he couldnt have the cupcakes cuz of drosting I felt so bad that I would bring his own cupcake so he wouldnt be ledt out. The last few years have been nixe though alot of stuff is dye free. But he also has the same reaction as everyone on here. Good luck to all

    4. almost everything blueberry has red 40 in it

    5. I have been breaking out with hives for about 5years from red 40. Other symptoms vary, like nausea, runny nose, and headaches. I have a hard time checking ingredients in certain foods; for instance, catered foods, bakery items, party foods. Be careful with medications, some do not list the red 40. The red coated pill will not tell you. None have ingredient labels. Urrgh! I write this covered in hives from a party I attended last night.

    6. I started getting hives 3 years ago from red food dye. I went to 3 drs before one took one look at me and told me I had hives. He said it was most likely from red food dye. I love Code Red MT dew. Use to drink a 16 oz bottle once a day. Hives cleared up! But, now I get them from other stuff so I have to be very careful what I eat. Just recently I broke after drinking Lipton Ice that you squirt into water..I have a patch of hives on my leg that I am trying to get rid of. Itches like crazy. I have never had food allergies. So this is all new to me. Thanks for the list of stuff that does not have red dyes in them. this is very helpful.

    7. What stops the itch? I have a area of hives and cant get it to stop itching!!!

    8. i'm allergic to red dye 40 i been going thru this for over 10 years in&out the emergency ward i also have asthmetic asthma,in addition to all year round allergies im allergic to benadryl pills they have red dye40 so i take the children's dye-free benadryl i see asthma& immunology i'm on 4 allergy pills 2 nasal sprays,eye drops and have to carry a double epi pen,i have it bad it just takes over my whole life it's so depressing!!!!

  2. That is terrible! It is good that you have an EPI Pen and I would definitely keep one on hand. You have to be extremely careful. At this point, I would stay away from any amount of red dye 40. I think that even a small dose would cause you to have a reaction, but you could check with your doctor. Read all those labels carefully and make sure you use dye-free medications. You did use dye-free Benedryll, right? Have all of your doctors aware of your reaction so that they don't accidentally prescribe you something that has these dyes in it.

  3. I just developed a red dye allergy a year ago at the age of 33. I found that Benedryl didn't work so well on my hives and that Clariton worked much better. I pretty much eliminated all candy (because it can be easily to forget to remember to avoid orange, pink, purple and brown candies) I would also be wary of the ketchup served at restaurants ... it can be powdered stuff mixed with water used to refill the bottles. I haven't been able to handle any amount of red dye and would recommend avoiding it at all costs. I'm thankful for this site to help me understand this allergy.

    1. im 34 and over the last 6 weeks i have breaking out in hives everywhere. some days worse than others. allergist put me in prednsione 3 days ago, zyrtec is no longer responding. plus she wants to do a skin test on jan 3 so no claritan zyrtec etc. well yesterday i had a huge headache so i took two ibuprofen, within in minutes i had the worse hives ever they were huge and really red. then i vomited and instantly my lips began to swell, then my chin and my eyes. i dont think this was coincidence. i thought it was just the ibuprofen bu tafter reading this im thinking it must be the red dye because i have been getting hives randomly not just with the ibuprofen

  4. I recently have found out I am allergic to red dye #40. I have broken out in huge hives, itchy throat, itching and now taking allergy medication and carry an epi pen. I am still learning what foods do not have the bug blood in it. I am 45 years old and this has been a miserable experience. Not only am I having to watch what foods or drinks have it but my family as well as they may want me to try something that has it and bam, the hives start immediately.

    1. Thank you both for helping others to become more aware of the harmful effects of artificial colors. It is another reason why they should be banned in the United States like many other countries have done.

  5. I Am 18 years old and im allergic to red 40... its really bad because its in EVERYTHING! be careful eating fruit too. They spray fruit with red 40 to keep it ripe. so Organic fruit it is.

    1. The nerve to spray fruit with dye. I'll look into who does that...I get migraines so easily from the stuff. If my ex drank something with red 40 and kissed me, I would get sick.

  6. My Daughter is 26 months old and for a little over a month she has been breaking out in hives REALLY bad. After numerous trips to the doctors and they finally told me it was a food allergy. i was advised to figure out what food she was allergic to. The first this I started with was Red Dye #40. She has been breakout free for about a week now. It is hard getting used to looking at what you buy and what she eats. SO MANY things have this dye in them. I hope they start looking into banning this from foods!

  7. I am 18 years old and I've suffered from migraines ever since I was a baby. For the longest time I couldn't figure out why I was getting these migraines. It wasn't until I was 15 or 16 that one of my dad's coworkers said she avoids red 40 because it causes migraines. I began avoiding the dye and noticed I was getting a lot less migraines. I now know how many products have red 40! Many chips, candies, drinks, and snacks have it. Even some hair products have red 40. Look at the labels on chocolate things, too. Candies, chocolate milk, and even puddings have red 40. If you suffer from migraines, avoid red 40 and see if it makes a difference! Even the yellows (5 and 6) can cause migraines. CHECK THE LABELS ON EVERYTHING!

  8. I was wondering if after stopping artificial colors has anyone experience any symptoms?
    My son has been having behavior problems in school and is also very hyper and aggressive. I have been reading and trying to figure out why. I came across the artificial color problem and figured why not try. So as of last Saturday (6 days ago) he has had no artificial colors. His behavior seemed different around Tuesday. They said he was good at school. He was sleeping about 45 mins later in the mornings since Monday. (which never happens) Then on Thursday said his stomach was not feeling well and had Diahrrea then threw up one time. He was fine by morning. I realized Blue #1 is in his toothpaste still. I am looking to get an all natural version. He also seemed actually kind of quiet and sad occasionally during the week.
    Do you think any of this has to do with the dye removal???

  9. Bless you for this page. My son is now 13 and he seamed to grow out of his reaction to it. he used to get angry, depressed and violent. we haven't worried about it in 5 years but it is back. Those can be VERY bad for a teen. Artificial vanilla and sodium phosphates are equally as bad to him

  10. Hi, My six year old son gets hives and sometimes frequent urination from red dye. Awful for him.

  11. I'm 21 years old, I used to get hives from red 40 when I was younger, now I get itchy rashes. I can have some red 40 but when I have too much I get an allergic reaction and then I have to cut it completely out of my diet for the rashes to go away, I'm currently trying to cut it completely out of my lifestyle which means going without my favorite ice cream (watermelon sherbet) because most of the places that sell it put red 40 in it to give it that vibrant pink colour

  12. I have had a red dye allergy since I was 2. my parents witnessed first hand me going into anaphylactic shock. I carry an epi-pen at all times. Red dye is hidden in everything. I found out recently my daughter has the same allergy so I got her a 504 plan at school they are not to feed her anything unless we are called first and we pack her lunch everyday to ensure its safe.

  13. As a child I have a severe allergic reaction to ceftin antibiotic, and was put on benedryl. I spent three months miserbale with constant hives and the doctors couldn't figure out what else I was allergic to. Until my mom bought dye free benedryl. Instantly better. In 2012 I went into anaphylaxis from penicillin, discharged from the hospital, and couldn't figure out why I was still breaking out. Suddenly remembered I was allergic to the dye in the benedryl I was taking. Now, other the years I've been able to have small amounts here and there. Twizzlers were my favorite candy. Last night, I poured some crystal light in my water (BlackBerry lemonade flavor) and didn't think to check it for red dye 40, but took a couple benedryl anyways. 30 minutes later I was being rushed to the er for anaphylaxis, where I spent five hours with an iv of corticosteroids. I was discharged with a second prescription for corticosteroids and strict instructions from everyone to stay away from red dye. Especially in the next two weeks, as a second reaction so soon would be quick and deadly. My only concern is: are the other red dyes a risk, as well? It's so crazy how one amount was fine, but then a smaller amount just became too much for my body to handle. Like walking on a balance beam, only you don't know where it ends, and when you'll fall.

  14. Ran across this site looking for hard candy without Red40, not doing too well in that search lol.

    I just wanted to add that I suffer from severe migraines. While RED40 is not the cause of my migraines, it is a trigger. I just wanted to post this in case someone else is having migraines and looking for things that may be triggering them.

    It amazes me the things approved from the FDA when you start looking at what it is your really putting into your body.

  15. I just wanted to let everyone know that Walgreens has dye free ibuprofen.


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