This blog is to advocate for children who seem to have behavior problems, but are really reacting to the artificial dyes found in foods and medicines. It is to help others to be more aware of how food affects your mood. Children and adults can suddenly become irritable, have headaches, and even become angry or aggressive after ingesting synthetic artificial dyes. I recommend avoiding all artificial colors. This blog was created to help you find the information you need.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Advertisements on Blog???
Months ago I added advertisements on my blog. My reasoning is that it might show more businesses who choose dye-free products or who use products with natural food coloring like beets or tumeric. Some of the advertisements have been pretty interesting and go right along with the blog, but others have unfortunately slipped through my filtering system and advertise products in which Red Dye Free! would not endorse. Please keep that in mind if you find an advertisement worth clicking on - that it may include artificial dyes that are harmful. I hope that you find some of the advertisements (with dye-free products) worthwhile and maybe even helpful.
Thanks for he heads up and the honesty!