
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Dangers and Toxicity of Artificial Color and Food Dye

I came across this article yesterday and thought this would be a great article to share because of it's well researched information.

Dangers and Toxicity of Artificial Color and Food Dye


  1. Thanks for sharing. I believe that we all need to work diligently to get the word out about the potential effects of so many unnecessary chemicals being added to our food. I have personally seen such a difference in the behavior of children when they consume products with artificial coloring (especially red and yellow) that it astounds me when corporations and government agencies continue to say that their science still supports these as being safe. Sure, they won't necessarily kill right away and may not cause any long-term disease, but that seems to be a fairly narrow requirement for what constitutes a safe additive. As is often said, arsenic is "safe" in low enough doses, but it is still recognized as toxic and forbidden from being deliberately added to food. Seems to be just a question of how much it costs to draw the line in a "sensible" place.

  2. Really, it was a well-written article and it is true about what you wrote. It surprises me how many people defend their colored foods, and how it means nothing to them that it has been wrecking havoc on millions of children across the globe. Unless they witness the effects first hand on either themselves or their own children than it couldn't possibly be a food additive causing harm - they say. They don't seem to mind eating petroleum products and don't realize just how much they are consuming today than ever before. I try to keep my information from sounding like an alarmist, because ultimately I just want others to be aware that children sensitive to these dyes will needlessly suffer with behavior problems, aggressiveness, motor-coordination problems, depression and low self-esteem. As you know, these dyes are harmful to the general public as well, but I don't think many people are concerned about looking into it because they are too concerned about having "white" m&m's. They don't realize that there are healthier alternative colors that can be used instead. I hope that the general public will understand this someday. Thank you again for such an outstanding article!


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