
Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Red Dye Free!

After moving into our new home in August, I found it redundant to add more about artificial dyes and their harmful effects. I think that the general population is more knowledgeable about it and that more consumers are opting for the organic alternatives or dye-free alternatives. For our family, it is something we no longer struggle with. It is easy for us to spot dye-free alternatives and our children watch out for themselves when it comes to trying new foods that might have artificial colors. At their school, the school policy is that children are not allowed to share snacks and healthy snacks are encouraged for snack time. My son said, "No mommy, I can not eat chips for snack time it needs to be something healthy - like an apple." Our school lunches are mostly dye-free, but the juices are loaded with red-40. My children do not drink the juices instead they choose milk. Parents can not bring in food treats to celebrate a birthday, but can bring pencils or party bags with non-food items. During the holiday parties, my first-grade son, has a stash of rice-crispy treats in case there are artificial dyes in the treats.

Staying away from artificial dyes takes a bit of work at the beginning.
  • First, you have to read labels and so grocery shopping takes a little longer.
  • Next, you have to get your family used to eating dye-free foods and teach them that eating these dyes are not good for them - eating petroleum just can't be good for you (especially when the food industry has put it in virtually everything).
  • Then, if your children buy school lunches, you have to talk to the cafeteria manager to find out what has artificial colors and then teach your children what they are to buy.
  • In addition, you have to teach your children that when they go to anyone's house, including at relative's houses, that they need to ask if the foods offered to them have artificial dyes.

Teaching your children to stay away from artificial dyes can make staying dye-free a piece of cake. They can still eat colorful foods and they will know that they are making a good choice. We just got some PureFun candy canes the other day without the synthetic artificial dyes. They are delicious!

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!

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