While Americans continue to eat foods with synthetic artificial dyes, the British will enjoy eating a much healthier alternative. Foods colored with synthetic dyes, which are often petroleum-based dyes, have the look that makes you think, for example, that you might really be eating blueberries in blueberry Poptarts. If you thought you were eating real fruit, than the synthetic food dyes had you fooled. I just love petroleum-based Poptarts, don't you? I'm being facetious. Canned fruits and fruit cups even have synthetic dyes added. So, while American food companies race to change the ingredients (some of them have already), some of the food companies will keep the petroleum-based dyes for the Americans to eat and create a healthier alternative for the British. Isn't this ubsurd? "It means there are two international standards for food additives. Companies that sell in both countries often use petroleum-based dyes in the U.S., such as Red 40 and Yellow 6, but beet root, carrots and paprika in the U.K." This quote was found in the following link: Signs of the Times News for Sun, 07 Jun 2009
Some American food producers are changing their ways. These are the ones who are ahead of the game. On their labels they sport the "no artificial dyes", "no artificial colors", etc. and they are preferred or will be preferred over the alternatives made from petroleum based dyes. Food marketed to children does not have to have the colors leaching off on their clothes and skin for it to taste good. Why did it become important to market candies that leave a tattoo color on the tongue to show to friends? Food is marketed to be fun and not necessarily real food. If food is to be fun, why not use healthier ingredients so the children will get some benefit. Why did it become necessary to put red dye 40 and other synthetic dyes in almost every product imaginable? Why? Synthetic dyes are cheaper. Synthetic dyes can trick you into thinking real fruit is in it. We have come to the habit of eating with are eyes and forgetting our health and the health of our children. These dyes are not good for anyone. Please read more of my blogs if you would like to know why.
Thankfully now, strides are being taken. Nestle has removed their coloring, along with General Mills. M&M/mars has announced the will, but it has yet to happen. We use smarty pants vitamins and motts fruit snacks, Black Forest has come out with an organic 'starburst', and yummy earth (yumearth rename) has organic lollipops - some with vitamin c too, gummy worms, fruit snacks, etc. It's become easier and CHEAPER to be food dye free! Annie's summer bunnies fruit snacks are all red, thanks to fruit and vegetable juice, not petroleum and bugs. Simply gogurt and danimals yogurt are colored with beet juice! Capri sun has come out with roaring waters flavored water pouches, which is the only 'juice boxes' we buy. Target also has generic dye free medication. We've been dye free for over a year and now its second nature. My 5 year olds ADHD is a lot easier to handle, and we can certainly see the difference is something is snuck in!