The dangers of artificial colors have been known for many years. Artificial colors may cause Neurotoxicity! Neurotoxicity can result from eating food additives. The symptoms may be immediate or delayed. Artificial colors may very well be neurotoxic - meaning that they can cause migraines, altered behavior- including hyperactivity, and an abundance of other health issues. Yet despite all of the research, studies, parent testimonials, and the petitions from the (CSPI) The Center for Science in the Public Interest, it still might be many more years before the FDA decides to ban (if ever) these harmful dyes.
Artificial dyes are becoming the staple ingredient in almost every food, toothpaste, drinks, medicines, and even make-up! Below is a link to an article written in 2006. More needs to be said about the FDA and why they continue to allow more of these harmful dyes into our lives. The following is a quote from the link below: "Decades ago in 1955, it was deemed safe for people to ingest 12 mg food dye per day. By 2007, that amount had reached 59 mg per person, per day, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) -- a level nearly five times greater than initially was approved." Today, you can expect that to be somewhat higher! Some articles that I have read, say that the FDA is profiting by allowing more and more products with artificial colors - perhaps that is why they have yet to ban them.
Here is my testimonial......
There was a time, when my son was about two years old, when I noticed that he could draw quite well. He drew smiley faces with all the details. As time went on his motor skills seemed to decrease. He no longer cared to draw and seemed to have difficulty even holding the pencil and making his work visible (he had a light touch). He changed from being happy most of the time to being easily frustrated. He seemed depressed to me and outside family members. He was quick to react with anger and seemed to have an altered sense of perception. He could not be consoled, talked too, or reasoned with during these times. Holding him down during a violent outburst seemed to escalate his behavior and his self-esteem was diminishing. He didn't want to react the way he did, but felt like he didn't have control over himself. This is what I describe as the dye-induced behavior. This is the way my son reacted to artificial dyes for three years until I discovered that red-dye 40 and other artificial colors were causing him to react this way.
My son has been free of artificial dyes for about a year. His motor-coordination has improved remarkably. His handwriting looks wonderful and he is beginning to enjoy drawing again. His teacher has commented on how well he is doing completing his tasks and how happy he is. He is well-behaved, happy most of the time, enjoying his friends, and he even performed in the Kindergarten Spring Fling yesterday doing the Hokey Pokey and singing songs up on stage. I can't tell you what a difference the change has made in our lives. If your child is suffering from any of the conditions above, I recommend that you try removing all foods and products with artificial dyes in them. I am not the first one to figure this out. Many parent testimonials say the same things. It is not impossible to do. There are many alternative foods, medicines and products without artificial dyes. With a consumer push for healthier options, artificial dyes might be a thing of the past.
I'd like to know where you got your information that there is artificial food dye in fresh fruit. Which fruits have food dye? Is it grown into the plant? How does it get artificial color?
ReplyDeleteThank you E for bringing that to my attention! I was misinformed and I have spread invalid information. I apologize. I am going to edit this post as to not add any more confusion. I can not find the research necessary to validate what I said. My understanding was apples and oranges can sometimes be artificially colored - perhaps they are the exempt colors derived from natural sources. Perhaps I am wrong about this and I am very sorry. Here is some info. from the FDA. I can not find much more about fruits and vegetables.
"Are there any foods exempt from the new labeling requirements?
Yes. Under FALCPA, raw agricultural commodities (generally fresh fruits and vegetables) are exempt as are highly refined oils derived from one of the eight major food allergens and any ingredient derived from such highly refined oil."