
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The American Academy of Pediatrics recognizes

It took me awhile, but I found supportive evidence that artificial additives can have an adverse effect on the behavior of children. The American Academy of Pediatrics admit that in the past they might have been wrong.

This link is worth checking out: (It is included in my links section of the blog.)
Anyone may copy this article and share it (click on the link The American Academy of Pediatrics to print). Many people find that they are not taken serious when they talk about food dyes and what it does to their children. Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Pediatricians and local schools will benefit from this information.

Do people smirk when you tell them that you stay away from artificial colors and what it does to you or your kids? Have you ever felt embarrassed to admit that your family chooses to eat foods without this stuff? I am looking forward to the day when everyone is informed of the harmful effects of artificial dyes!


  1. Yet, despite the research and the AAP stance, most people have never heard that food dyes are a problem. That's why it is so important to keep getting the word out.

  2. I agree. Even in the petition that we signed, there was an anonymous signer who claimed that that parents were using artificial colors as an excuse for the poor behavior of their children. He even used old supportive evidence from the American Academy of Pediatrics. Like many people, he did not see the revised version and the fact that The American Academy of Pediatrics now believe they were wrong. We will get the word out and we will change the way people previously viewed the affects of artificial colors.


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