
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Happy Kids!

My kids have been dye-free again since St. Patrick's Day (when my six year old ate Lucky Charms). They are happy - even with their colds. They get along and have been playing well together. My six year old received an award for excellence in writing and completing all of his centers from his teacher. My six year old says, "Yes, mom." When I ask him to do something. I love that! I love when my kids respond to my requests. Who wouldn't?

Give them artificial dyes and it's another story! My children have a difficult time focusing on their schoolwork. They can not complete their work after eating this stuff. They become easily frustrated, anger easily, and cry over things that wouldn't typically bother them. They act out aggressively either with words or actions. I hope that more people find my blog because if I could make a difference for at least one more child all this would be worth it. On the grander scheme of things - eliminating artificial dyes in foods and other products would be great.

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