
Monday, February 23, 2009

Dye Free Candy!!! Yum

My kids love me already! I found dye free candy at Toys R Us! They have a new candy section of the store. Check out Surf Sweet products! They have gummy worms, gummy bears, fruit roll ups and more!!! They taste great and are much healthier!

The Natural Candy Store also has a wide selection of synthetically dye-free candies! They are colored with natural real foods such as beets, pomegranate, etc.!


  1. Thanks for linking me! We love Surf Sweets and Yummy Earth lollipops. I'm all for getting the word out to other moms so more families can be dye-free.

  2. You're more than welcome! :) I enjoy your site and it is good to read your blogs because it is so close to home. We go through the same things.

  3. Cool....i just love learning new things, thanks for the good instruction that i have found here.

  4. Such a very informative post. Thanks for sharing this post.....

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  12. a little disappointed. this website is so i was expecting it to list food dye in the allergy list and it does not. $5 down the drain since i could have downloaded the free app.

    1. This blog site is free. You did not spend $5.00 on this site.


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